REUNIUNEA – Short Film

It’s been 10 years since high school and 10 former classmates plan to meet. Marius organizes a meal at the restaurant.
But no one arrives. High school love dramas, jealousy and arrogance stand in the way of everyone.
How can you appear in front of those you haven’t seen in 10 years when you have nothing or no one to brag about, when you publicly mimic happiness, but you are very far from it? THE REUNION puts former high school students face to face with the last 10 years of their lives. Will they be the same in another 10 years?

“Reuniunea” este rezultatul unui workshop de scriere de scenariu, coordonat de Elise Wilk și este parte a proiectului Work-in-progress 2, cofinanțat de Municipiul Târgu Mureș prin concursul de proiecte, sesiunea 2021.


Scenariu colectiv
Regia: Andi Gherghe
Distribuție: Claudiu Panaitescu, Larisa Dobrin, Laura Mihalache, Sașa Pânzaru, Toni Nica, Cristina Ciulei, Narcis Zamfir, Haneș Vlad, Cristi Bojan, Mihai Andronic, Ramona Gherasim
Co-producție: Reea.

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